
Showing posts from June 27, 2018

Rehearsals Day Two and Three - More Blocking

Day Two The day was more or less the same as yesterday in terms of blocking. We started at 10am continuing blocking through the rest of Act One and most of Act Two while Charlotte and I jotted down our props list. Ron gave Charlotte and I more to do with our Acting ASM roles adding lines for us to say and more stage directions. We had a tea break at 11:45 then resumed work at 12:00. That was then followed by a lunch break at 1pm resuming back at 2pm, continuing to block through the first three scenes of Act Two. Line changes and cuts aren't unheard of depending on what the director wants for their production and a few of those have been made already, not suggesting anything bad about it, it's just something that is done in productions. It was pointed out that the wheelchairs we are using could possibly obstruct the view of some audience members in the front rows of the auditorium, hopefully this is a problem we can easily find a solution for. We wrapped up the rehearsal at 5

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