
Showing posts from July 5, 2018

Week Two - Mon-Thurs

Hi guys! We're now into our second week of rehearsals and all seems to be going well so far. Our actors are now off book with Ron continuing to fine tune certain parts of the play in terms of interplay, interpreting the nuances of the dialogue and character development. As an ASM I'm continuing to observe the action taking place while taking note of props and set that are being used. In other company's ASM's aren't usually involved this stage of rehearsals which makes this company unique as they usually start rehearsing later on to learn their track for the show. Rebecca continues her role as a DSM by writing and re-writing the blocking in the Prompt Book as we develop the play, as well as giving the actors their calls to rehearse. Occasionally she'll have to prompt the actors when they've either forgotten or paraphrased a line. Charlotte is more or less doing what I'm doing in terms of observing and note taking. Selfie of Me, Rebecca and Charlotte

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