Week Two - Mon-Thurs

Hi guys! We're now into our second week of rehearsals and all seems to be going well so far. Our actors are now off book with Ron continuing to fine tune certain parts of the play in terms of interplay, interpreting the nuances of the dialogue and character development. As an ASM I'm continuing to observe the action taking place while taking note of props and set that are being used. In other company's ASM's aren't usually involved this stage of rehearsals which makes this company unique as they usually start rehearsing later on to learn their track for the show. Rebecca continues her role as a DSM by writing and re-writing the blocking in the Prompt Book as we develop the play, as well as giving the actors their calls to rehearse. Occasionally she'll have to prompt the actors when they've either forgotten or paraphrased a line. Charlotte is more or less doing what I'm doing in terms of observing and note taking.

Selfie of Me, Rebecca and Charlotte in rehearsals 

The week so far has been spent continuing to develop what we've already done last week. On Monday morning as I arrived, Mark was at the guide hut with Ron listening to music and sound effects that are going to be used for the show. As the day went on Ron worked with the actors when they were called depending which section of the play that was being rehearsed.

Left: Ron directing Charlotte (Actress) and Harriet, Right: Typing up my props list.

Rebecca, Charlotte and I had an earlier start today because we decided to have breakfast at Cafe 51 before arriving at the guide hut for 9:30. The day continued more or less the same as yesterday and last week as we continued to develop the play. There was talk of where everyone will be watching the match between England and Columbia in the evening.

We began today by catching up with what happened with England v Columbia in the world cup last night, talking about the penalty shoot out that England won, and Columbia's dirty playing tactics which resulted in them getting countless yellow cards. Rehearsals continued as usual for the rest of the day.
After lunch Mark arrived at the guide hut to tell us about the move into St Felix on Saturday afternoon. Peter popped in to take photos of rehearsals for this years programmes. At 5pm Rebecca, Charlotte and I started packing props away to be transferred to the workshop where we will continue rehearsing on the set tomorrow morning. Mark arrived at the guide hut in a van to collect the props and set.  It will be a week today when we have our opening night in Southwold!!!

This is our first day in the workshop and everything seemed to go well. The purpose of rehearsing in the workshop is for the actors and stage management to familiarise themselves with working on the set before we hit the stage. When we arrived at the workshop, Rebecca, Charlotte and I began unpacking the props from the guide hut and placing them either stage left or right according to the props list. We've also acquired a large fan that is placed stage left to give the effect of when one of the characters arrives in a helicopter. We began staggering through Act One until lunch time. After lunch we continued staggering through certain sections of the first act before doing a run through at 3:45.

Before we started the run, Charlotte and I did the pre-set, then a check list of props to make sure everything was in the right place. When we were set and ready we ran Act One with few technical problems. The rehearsal wrapped up at 5pm as usual. This time next week we begin rehearsals for Funny Money!

Table with the shows props on stage right in the workshop.


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