
Showing posts from April 19, 2019

INK Festival

This time last week, INK Festival was in full swing. Left: The Cut main entrance Right: queue for the Kiln Room This year was also the first time the festival was held for three days instead of two in previous years, with over forty short plays being performed. There was also the addition of two new performing spaces including the Kings Theatre, held at the Volvo Car Garage and the Museum Theatre. Creative writing workshops were led by Greg Mosse, Robin Brooks, and Simon Nelson. Lady of Jazz    Invisible Irene It was an early start on Friday morning. Dacre, Kitty, Elena, Felix and I arrived at The Cut at 9am to do final checks and hoover the stage in the Studio before we opened with the first show at 10am with The Ties That Bind Us. For all the shows we opened the house 5-10 minutes before the play began for the audience to take their seats, usually depending on how long the queue was going up the stairs. Kitty would be backstage ready to stand by the actors wh

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