
Showing posts from July 29, 2018

Body Language in Aldeburgh

Well guys we've just completed the run of Body Language in Aldeburgh, and I won't lie it's been a tough week. We've also completed rehearsing Funny Money which we open in Southwold on Monday. While that has been going on the other cast and crew had their run of A Daughters a Daughter in Southwold for a week. Because of our busy schedule this week our FOH manager Marianne of the Summer Theatre in Aldeburgh was able to do our show washing in for the week which we are incredibly grateful for! Monday began with continuing rehearsals at the school. We went over sections of the play to fine tune and polish up what the actors have been doing. Rebecca occasionally had to prompt the actors if they had forgotten a line. That evening the company gathered to attend the opening night of Agatha Christie’s A Daughters a Daughter. This time it’s our turn to sit in the audience and watch others perform. The actors playing instruments at the end of rehearsals On Tuesday we wr

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