Aldeburgh Get-in

Another Day another Get- in, this time in the seaside town of Aldeburgh, famous for Benjamin Britten and George Crabb being residents in the past.

Stage Door of Jubilee Hall in Aldeburgh

Polly, Charlotte and I were driven to Aldeburgh by Tory in one of the company mini vans at 9:15am, arriving at Jubilee Hall at 10:00am. When we got there we met up with Mark, Alan, Ross, Erin, Marks son Ian and new member Amanda who will be helping out at Jubilee Hall. This was the the team who would be working together to set everything up in the hall for this year. Our first task was to set up the marque's in the courtyard.

Polly taking a photo of us at work

The next thing that had to be done was to attach some of our lights to the lighting bars in the auditorium. Mark, Erin, Charlotte and I did that while Alan, Ian, Amanda, Tory and Polly continued to do things in the courtyard. Afterwards we walked round the corner to The Cross Keys to have a pub lunch. 

The stage in Jubilee Hall

Auditorium seating

The final thing Erin and I did was lay out the chairs in the front rows. We wrapped up the day at 4pm and Erin drive Charlotte and I back to St Felix.

Next Monday A Daughter's a Daughter opens in Southwold and on Tuesday Body Language opens in Aldeburgh. Watch this space for updates on how that goes!


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